Building bridges with the entrepreneurs of tomorrow


On February 15th our CEO Carl Baekelandt participates in 100x100 Speeddate.  100 CEOs are put in touch with 100 young people for a 1-to-1 conversation.

100 x 100 Speeddate 

In this initiative Carl Baekelandt will talk to students and young professionals by sharing his knowledge about the business world. What are the building blocks for a successful business? How can you make an impact with a sustainable business model? And most important: how can the next  generation claim its place among experienced entrepreneurs, especially after this turbulent year?  

The matching with young talent happens according to four themes: 

  • Digitalisation
  • Sustainability
  • Health  
  • Inclusive society 

During the speeddate Carl Baekelandt will talk about his professional journey, his sustainable  future vision for Concordia Textiles and how young people can recognize and seize the opportunities laying before them, even during this challenging period.  

Inspire and motivate youngsters 

We want to inspire and motivate young potential to take further steps in sustainable entrepreneurship. By building bridges with young talent and going into conversation with them, together we can increase the opportunities for anyone.  

100x100 is an initiative of Voka and ASATT (A Seat at The Table), with support from Technopolis. More info can be found on